French Onion Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This is a holiday meal that I came up with by throwing together things in the fridge between two slices of homemade bread. In the original recipe I had used frozen leftover French Onion Soup, but you can easily make the onions the night before or even that same day.

The Prep

The first thing you want is two slices of fresh bread. This could be homemade bread or a loaf of store-bought.

For the onions, slice up a whole Sweet Onion and sauté in a pan over medium heat. The trick is to get your onions translucent and then turn the pan down too low.

Once onions are on low, add 1 Tbsp of butter and either a splash of Red Wine or Balsamic Vinegar. Let the onions cook low and slow for about 15-20 minutes. You are looking for the onions to take on the color of the wine or vinegar and reduce them to half the size in the pan.

On medium heat, get a frying pan or I use a flat top pan, ready with 1 Tbsp of butter.

Before placing in the bread in the pan, I felt it was easier to assemble the sandwich before starting the cooking process.

Designate one side of each bread as the cooking side down, and spread 1/2 tbs of Mayo across the bread. Mayo doesn’t have as high of a burning temperature as butter so you don’t end up with extra crispy bread.

On the other side spread a nice layer of Goats Cheese and some mozzarella down then a layer of onions.

Place the mayo side of the bread down on the hot pan, and add the top half to the sandwich.

Cover and let cook for 3-5 minutes on each side. You want the bread to e golden brown while the inside cheese melts.

Cut and serve!

Goat Cheese French Onion Grilled Cheese on Homemade Italian Olive Dutch Oven Bread


2 Slices of any Bread

1 Sweet onion

1Tbsp of Red Wine or Balsamic Vinegar

2 Tbsp of Butter

1/4 Cup of Goats Cheese

1/8 Cup Shredded Mozzarella

1Tbsp of Mayonnaise