What an interesting time we are living in during a global pandemic. I can honestly say I am so grateful to be able to travel during the uncertain times we are living in. I recently got to spend 5 weeks in Europe to get back on snow to start training for the upcoming 20/21 season.
I have been traveling to Saas Fee, Switzerland for camp with the U.S Freeskiing Team the last 5 years. Saas Fee is a quaint little village the next valley over from Zermatt, Switzerland. It is a town of cobble stone streets that is walkable only. In a town that only has 2 mini grocery stores 100 feet from one another, you could have probably already guessed that there is only so much diversity in the food.
Even though the size of the grocery stores in town are small, the quality of food makes up for almost anything state side. It’s not like in America were you must refrigerate your eggs and milk because things are not processed. You can walk to the store each morning for a fresh baguette for the day. It is seriously amazing and I truly feel everything taste better.
During my extended stay in Saas Fee, we were not recommended by the ski team to not go out to restaurants but could get something for take-away. There is pizza restaurant, Boccalino, that my teammates and I religiously go to for their Pizza Romi. They make this homemade chili oil that just makes everything in the world right again. On one of the final nights of our stay we had to get a Romi because it was just tradition at this point.
After being away for so long I made some meals that reminded me of home. First I made an Eggplant Parmesan inspired dish with Spetzli, a traditional noodle.
Second I made a Breaded Pork Piccata. In the land of Schnitzel, it was easier to buy a package of pre-breaded pork for this dish. I just added some white wine, lemon, and capers to make it my own.
I am just so fortunate to live the life I do and be able to explore the world through skiing but really embrace the culture with cooking. I can’t wait to share more as my competition season is starting off. Follow me on my journey and comment below!
Love- DLO!