Who needs a private chef?

Anyone who believe in the importance of eating fresh homemade meals at a reasonable price. The reason most people hire a private chef is that they have particular diets, they want to make healthier choices or they do not have time to cook due to their hectic schedules. If you are tired of showing up late at the prepared foods bar, eating fast food, commercial frozen dinners, or mediocre takeout, a private chef is a valuable investment for a healthier you.

Do you prepare meals at my home?

Yes. Preparing meals in your home guarantees that you are provided with the highest quality food possible. Each service is individualized to your needs. Some services consist of all fresh food, some frozen, and some a combination of the two.

Do I have to be home when you are cooking?

No, you do not. In most cases, people are working or running errands while meals are being prepared.

How do you know what foods I enjoy?

Your diet is the first order of business. In our first consultation, I will review your preferences and dislikes. This will help me to determine any dietary restrictions for grocery shopping and my menu creation.

Is the menu the same every time?

No. A new menu will be created for you for each service. If you prefer the same meal again, that is not a problem.

Where do you do your shopping?

This depends on you but I shop at your favorite store upon request. Otherwise, I will shop at organic grocery stores and farmer’s markets to use the highest quality ingredients.